what is careportal?
CarePortal is an online platform that brings the needs of hurting children and families in your community to your attention. Caseworkers uncover the needs. CarePortal makes local churches aware, giving them a real-time opportunity to respond.
why was careportal created?
After a decade of caring for orphans around the world, The Global Orphan Project (GO Project) created CarePortal in 2015 as a tool to mobilize U.S. churches to care for foster children and vulnerable families in their own backyards.
connecting church leader, pastor
Rajaratnam Masilamony
Email: rajamasilamony@weslacosdachurch.org
Phone: (956) 463 - 6827
primary point person
Keeana Ocañas
Email: okeeana@yahoo.com
Phone: (956) 662 - 4202
careportal process
Meeting the needs of a family in need is made simple through the process of CarePortal. Through CarePortal, team members of a church or community members are able to view the request published through CarePortal and are able to directly respond to the request. By responding to the request, they will gain necessary information on the family provided by the caseworker. This enables the team or community members to then contact the family and organize a scheduled date to provide the requested need and thus fulfill the need of that family.
We encourage you to aid in this process of helping families in need throughout the various counties in the Rio Grande Valley by either directly responding to a request or by donating directly to our church’s CarePortal fund. These funds would be used to obtain items needed by various families when our current church or team members do not currently possess the requested item on hand.
Locate our donation page by pressing the Donate button and locating the CarePortal budget under Local Church.