The pastor and the elders of our church are characterized as strong spiritual leaders with a solid reputation in both the church and in the community. As spiritual leaders, they lead by precept and example and are dedicated in guiding the church into a deeper and fuller Christian experience. Their roles as ordained ministers are to encourage the church members in remaining faithful by fostering bible study, prayer, returning tithe, as well as developing a strong and loving relationship with Jesus.

Rajaratnam Masilamony Senior Pastor

Rajaratnam Masilamony
Senior Pastor

Kerry Woodin Head Elder

Kerry Woodin
Head Elder

Genaro Gamez Elder

Genaro Gamez

our deacons and deaconess

The deacons and deaconess of our church are important ordained ministers who provide for the needs of our church and community as a whole. Their role is to serve the church in various means such as greeting, visiting church members’ homes, helping those who are in need of precious care, fostering the growth of the respective male and female baptismal candidates, assisting in communion service, as well as for the care and maintenance of the church property.


Byron Farley
Luis Luna Sr.
Max Ocañas
Angel Burgos
Melchor Valdez
Sonny Truit


Nancy Woodin
Perla Ledezma
Tehinnah Dela Cruz
Vanessa Elledge
Bobbie Robertson
Valerie Silva
Brianna Flores
Irma Galnarez
Esther Luna
Laura Farley
Katherine Caballero
Marianna Rodriguez

Junior Deaconess

Samara Salinas
Arianna Rodriguez

Head Deacon

Manny Jandusay

head deaconess

Leti Abrego

our sabbath school leaders

cradle roll

Janie Bernal


Perla Ledezma


Rosa Ramirez

early teens and juniors

Erika Valdez


Andy Bernal
Regie Samuel

young adults

Young adult rotation


Byron Farley
Gwen Lofton

Sabbath school superintendent

Regie Samuel

lower division head

Leticia Burgos


Nancy Woodin

our department leaders

music coordinator

Marianna Rodriguez

first impressions head

Isabel Diaz

audio visual head

Andy Bernal

church treasurer

Vanessa Elledge

church clerk

Nancy Woodin

risk management

Byron Farley

our ministry leaders

vbs director

Marianna Rodriguez

care portal director

Rajaratnam Masilamony

grief share director


prison ministries director


food pantry director

Eva Masilamony

children’s ministry director

Perla Ledezma

adventurers director


pathfinder director

Cenia Villafana

master guide director


the way director

Ithiel Dela Cruz

women’s ministry director

Laura Farley

men’s ministry director

Max Ocañas